The Grapevine Breeding Program at The University of California - Davis is part of the Viticulture and Enology Department, which for more than 135 years, has driven innovation in grape growing and winemaking for California, as well as for the rest of the world.


Our Research

Our breeding program develops high-quality grape cultivars and rootstocks resistant/tolerant to diseases, pests, and other stresses in the environment. For this purpose, we use the large genetic and phenotypic diversity found across many American Vitis species. Our group collaborates with other research groups and extensionists in areas such as genomics, population genetics, plant physiology, machine learning, engineering, and others.

See what we’ve published

Our germplasm resources

Our breeding program at UC Davis houses one of the largest collections of Vitis germplasm in the world. Germplasm collections made by Drs. Harold Olmo and Andy Walker for more than six decades resulted in thousands of accessions, spanning more than 40 different species.

See a catalog of our germplasm

Our Team

We are a multidisciplinary team working towards the generation of high-quality grapes in CA.

Meet our team